Parliamentary Forum for Creative Industries
It gives me pleasure and honour to introduce to you the Uganda Parliamentary Forum for Creative Industries (UGAPAFOCI).UGAPAFOCI is a not-for-profi t and non-partisan organisation.
Membership is open to only members of Parliament and its main objective is to influence policy and mainstreaming of culture in the planning processes of the Country.
As you may be aware, our cultural and creative sector exists albeit with no real impact on our collective lives as a people, let alone to the country’s socio-economic fi bre. It is our responsibility to make our industry work.
When I joined Parliament, I set out to work with all stakeholders to ensure
that together we make the industry work, hence the establishment of this
forum with the consent of the institution of Parliament.
Th is forum represents a unique opportunity for us to come together, share
ideas, and work towards a common goal of supporting and promoting the
cultural and creative industries.
Th e Cultural and Creative Industries are not only an important part of
our economy, but they also play an important role in shaping our society
and refl ecting our values. It is through cultural and creative expressions
that we can understand and connect with one another.
As practitioners, it is high time we realised the full economic potential
of our products through commercialisation, both domestically and
internationally. To succeed, we have to guide Government to formulate
appropriate legal, policy, and institutional frameworks which include:
1. Robust laws, policies, and institutions.
2. Access to technology and digital infrastructure,
3. Innovation and creativity.
4. Access to diverse funding and investment opportunities.
5. Support for education and training in the arts and related fields.
6. Government policies and initiatives that promote cultural and creative industries.
7. Diversifi cation and inclusivity in terms of representation and participation in the sector.
8. Strong networks and partnerships between industry, Government, and academia.
Th e overarching role of the Forum is to build a brighter future for the
CCI, bring the community together, and building a strong and vibrant
As a Forum of the Parliament of Uganda, UGAPAFOCI is set to lead the
crusade to lobby Government to ensure that the above pillars of the CCIs
are put in place. What we beseech of you is full support, cooperation,
tolerance, and oneness.
UGAPAFOCI is a Uganda Parliamentary non-partisan forum created
for the advancement of culture as a key tool in the attainment of the
Sustainable Development Goals and the Uganda Vision 2040.
It is a member-based organisation whose membership is open only to
Members of Parliament, but its management is run by hired personnel
answerable to the Executive Committee composed of elected Members of
Parliament. It is duly registered under the laws of Uganda as a Company
Limited by Guarantee without Share Capital.
Members of Parliament that subscribe to the organisation form the
supreme organ, the General Assembly, that formulates its rules,
regulations, and policies. Th e General Assembly plays an oversight role
over the Executive Committee.
Th e Executive Committee is elected every aft er a term of three years from
among members of the General Assembly.
Th e Executive Committee appoints employees at the Secretariat, the
Management Team.
To positively contribute to the attainment of the Sustainable Development
Goals, Peace, Unity, Security, and Socio-economic Transformation
through Cultural Heritage and Creativity.
A solid Sovereign Nation with a robust economy, environment, and
prosperous communities founded on Inter-cultural Dialogue, Unity in
Diversity and Creativity.
1. Engage government to review existing laws relating to
Cultural and Creative Industries that might be obsolete with
the view to amending or repealing them.
2. To create opportunities for skills development, training,
marketing and branding strategies for youth, women and
Creative Industry players.
3. Interactive dialogues with stakeholders from Cultural leaders
to communities to appreciate the commercial value of their
creative products.
4. Advocate for the preservation of the environment through
creativity and cultural norms
5. Mobilize funds to run projects and programs to achieve our
objectives and goals.
6. Organize local and international synergies between players
in the Creative Industries including Cultural exchange
programs and bench marking activities.
7. Carry out research and documentation in the CCIs, generate
and archive Data.
8. Organize cultural galas and festivals country-wide.
1. Interactive dialogues with stakeholders from Cultural Leaders to
2. Engage Government to review existing laws that might be obsolete
with the view to amending or repealing them.
3. Advocate for the preservation of the environment through cultural
4. Mobilise funds to run projects and programs to achieve our
objectives and goals.
5. Organise cultural galas and festivals country-wide.
Ensure transparency, accountability, and good governance in all our
All our objectives, performance measures and budgetary planning for
our activities are budgeted for as set out in the activity workplan. Th e
Executive Committee conducts regular snap audits and writes appropriate
periodic reports.
Th e Management team writes monthly and quarterly Financial Reports
to the Executive Committee. All the fi nancial transactions are audited
by both internal and external bodies and monthly, quarterly, and annual
reports written in accordance with the International Public Sector
Accounting Standards (IPSAS).
a) National Symposium: Our Culture Our Creativity Our
Responsibility - Changing the Narrative 1st through 2nd
February 2024.
b) Training workshop for Members of Parliament:
Introduction to Cultural and Creative Industries