Corporate Planning and Strategy


The Department of Corporate Planning and Strategy (CPS) provides support in strategic planning, co-ordinates support from donor partners, mobilises resources and oversees the implementation of the Parliamentary Strategic Investment and Development Plan (PSIDP).


  1. To assist the Commission in mobilising resources from donor partners and co-ordinate, monitor and evaluate donor funded programmes.
  2. To prepare, in consultation with development partners, annual and quarterly roll-overs of the medium term plan in line with the Parliamentary Strategic Investment and Development Plan (PSIDP)
  3. To plan and facilitate annual reviews, monitor and evaluate the implementation of the PSIDP
  4. To assist the Accounting Officer to ensure that the Basket Fund facility conditions are complied with

Key Contacts

Name Designation Telephone

Moses Bisase


+256 414377451

George Muwonge

Assistant Director

+256 414377452

Josephine Watera Assistant Director +256 414377453