- Agricultural Chemicals (Control)(Amendment) Bill, 2024.pdf (PDF, 282 KB)
- Appropriation Bill, 2024.pdf (PDF, 2 MB)
- Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment) Bill, 2024.pdf (PDF, 248 KB)
- Assets of Departed Asians' (Amendment) Bill, 2024.pdf (PDF, 268 KB)
- CFI for The National Population CouncilAct,@014(Repeal)Bill,2024.pdf (PDF, 126 KB)
- Children (Amendment) Bill, 2024.pdf (PDF, 265 KB)
- Civil Aviation Authority (Amendemnt) Bill, 2024.pdf (PDF, 3 MB)
- Copy of Tier 4 Microfinance Institutions and Money Lenders (Amendment)Bill,2024.pdf (PDF, 687 KB)
- Copy of Uganda Wildlife (Amendment) Bill, 2024.pdf (PDF, 321 KB)
- Cotton Development (Amendment) Bill, 2024.pdf (PDF, 556 KB)

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