Rotary decorates Oulanyah

The Rotary Club of Kampala Central has decorated the Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Jacob Oulanyah, with the Rotary Major Donor Regalia Award in recognition of his contributions towards the Rotary Foundation.
Oulanyah, who is also Member of Parliament for Omoro County in Omoro district, surpassed a contribution of US$10,000 to Rotary Foundation.
The President of Rotary Club of Kampala Central, Ivan Mwondha, decorated Oulanyah at a ceremony held at Parliament Building on Monday, 15 October 2018.
Mwondha said that contributions made by persons, like the Deputy Speaker, make a great difference in the lives of many people across the world.
“The regalia we are decorating you with should be worn in honour and in proud recognition of your achievements. It is people like you, who have seen to it that Polio is almost eradicated,” Mwondha said.
Oulanyah made the pledge in July and paid it up.
Mwondha said Oulanyah’s contribution inspires several people and will push them to achieve the major donor award in line with the year’s theme “Be the Inspiration”.

Oulanyah said he was honoured to be recognized and decorated, saying that, those who respond to the calling of humanity in the spirit of Rotary do it right.  
“No cause surpasses service to humanity; that’s my conviction. It is my belief because humanity is for all of us and if one part of humanity is suffering, the entire humanity suffers,” said Oulanyah adding that “People who recognize that fact are called to serve to help in this kind of situation.”
Oulanyah, a member of Rotary Club of Kampala Central, appreciated the role of Past Club President, Mr. Patrick Kunobwa, in inducting him into Rotary.
Several Rotarians from Rotary Clubs of Kampala Central, Kampala South, Nansana, Kampala City, Kampala Sunrise, Kampala Morning Tide, Bugolobi attended the ceremony.