Kadaga decries the state of sports in Uganda

The Speaker of Parliament, Rebecca Kadaga, has expressed dissatisfaction with the state of sports in the country saying government has not done much to support it.  
She cited district stadia and school sports grounds that have either become dilapidated or have been given away to investors.
“I am saddened that as a country, we don’t value sports. One day I was visiting a school in Nsambya and found out that there are no more school sports grounds in Makindye Division because they have been given away; imagine to movie investors,” said Kadaga.
Kadaga said she was disappointed that sports facilities across the country have been turned into trading areas and markets.
 “If you go to Bugembe stadium, it is only the wall that is left. For Mbale, I don’t even know where the stadium is.  In Soroti, it is now a market and Nakivubo is no longer a stadium. I am really angry that that’s what we Ugandans are doing to ourselves,” the Speaker added.
Kadaga was speaking at the Nile Special Uganda Sports Press Association (USPA) Awards 2018 at the Imperial Royale Hotel, Friday 20 July 2018.
She criticized the Ministry in-charge of sports for only celebrating sports winners and doing nothing to the process of winning. “Sometimes, I don’t want the Minister for Sports to speak when we have won because he has not contributed,” Kadaga said.
The National Council of Sports Vice Chairperson, Zubair Galiwango, thanked Parliament for increasing the sports budget from shs4 billion to shs34 billion.
USPA on other hand wants government to put in place policy guidelines for rewarding excelling sports personalities.