The Uganda Women Parliamentary Association (UWOPA) is a registered and recognized Parliamentary caucus comprising of all Women Members of Parliament but also open to former Women MPs and Male MPs as associate members.
The association was established during the 5th Parliament (1989 - 1994) with an aim of engendering the legislative process, creating awareness on women’s rights, encouraging lobby and advocacy, networking, training and ensuring organizational capacity building.
UWOPA therefore provides a forum for Women Members of Parliament to discuss, share experiences and support activities that facilitate women’s participation and leadership in all dimensions including politics, and social, economics.
UWOPA&CPA meeting on the Gender Bills
UWOPA seeks to contribute to a Uganda where there is social justice, peace and economic empowerment for all.
To ensure engendered laws, policies, political processes and equality in resource allocation to improve the quality of life of women through effective representation, capacity building, political support and networking.
Values and Principles
UWOPA is driven by the following values and principles:
- Commitment to the course
- Integrity and respect for each other
- Accountability and transparency
- Equity and gender sensitivity
- Promotion of partnerships
- Efficiency and flexibility
- Team work and unity
- Promotion of a non-partisan spirit
The Strategic Objectives
UWOPA has 4 strategic objectives to achieve in her Strategic Plan 2016-2021
- To increase women’s access to economic empowerment and opportunities.
- To increase women’s leadership and participation in decision making.
- To prevent violence against women and girls.
- To improve access to health and education for women and girls.
UWOPA has a well-established secretariat with competent and qualified staff that have experience in programme management and is headed by the Executive Director.
In the area of legislation, UWOPA through her membership has passed laws that promote gender equality.
10th Parliament -2016-2021
The Sexual Offences Bill, 2019
The Succession Amendment Bill, 2018
The Employment Amendment Bill, 2019
The Children’s Amendment Act, 2016
9th Parliament -2011-2016
The Domestic Violence Act 2010
The Prevention of Trafficking in Persons Act 2009
The Prohibition of Female Genital Mutilation Act 2010
Other successes.
UWOPA in the 10th Parliament saved UWEP- the only women’s fund from being merged with the other wealth creation funds under the parish model.
UWOPA moved an amendment of the rules of procedure for gender party in all parliamentary committee positions in the 9th Parliament which was achieved in the 10th parliament with 40% representation of women as chairpersons and vice chairpersons.
UWOPA moved an amendment on Public and Finance Bill to incorporate the Gender and Equity Parity Certificate that was passed into law for compliance by all national sectors in gender budgeting and planning.
Reviewed and ensured amendments of Oil and Gas Bill to include 40% women representation on the Petroleum Authority as stated in Article 17 section 3 of the petroleum (Exploration, Development and Production) Act,2013, at least three members of the 7 Board to be we percentages of distribution of the estate of an intestate, to provide for the powers and duties of guardians , to repeal repugnant terms such as lunatics and insane to provide for the lapse of probate or letters of administration, to enhance certain offences and penalties and to provide for related matters .
District Women Representatives - 146
Directly Elected Constituency Representatives - 16
Female Army (UPDF) Rep. - 03
Female Workers Rep. - 02
Female Youth Rep. - 02
Persons with Disabilities (PWDS) - 03
Older Persons Rep. - 3
Ex Officio Members - 14
There are 189 Women MPs (including 14 Ex officio Members) constituting 34% of Women in the11th Parliament. There are 14 Women Cabinet Ministers constituting 45% out of 31 Cabinet Ministers and 24 Women State Ministers constituting 48% out of 50 Ministers of State.
Contact us:
The Executive Director, UWOPA
Parliament Building Room E2-19 EXT. 608
P.O BOX 7178 Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256 414233244/414377000
Email: uwopa@parliament.go.ug
Website: www.uwopa.or.ug
Twitter: @uwopa
Facebook: Uganda Women Parliamentary Association
Visit our website for more information; www.uwopa.or.ug