Communication and Public Affairs

The Communication and Public Affairs Department started as a section under the Department of Finance and Administration in the Parliamentary Service in 2000. It was upgraded to a Division in 2004 under the restructuring process and to a Department in 2012.


  • Foster the good corporate image of the institution of Parliament
  • Disseminate accurate information and educate the public on the operations and functions of Parliament
  • Enhance the public awareness and understanding of Parliament


  1. To facilitate the daily media coverage of Parliament's plenary sitting and committee meetings
  2. To produce the weekly staff bulletin
  3. To produce the monthly Parliamentary Newsletter, (The August House)
  4. To inform and educate the Public about Parliament
  5. Protocol Services
  6. Foster good image of Parliament
  7. To update information on the Parliament website
  8. To manage the interface between the Parliament of Uganda and other Parliaments
  9. Media Relations
  10. To produce various publications (reading materials) and promotional materials of the Parliament

Key Contacts

Name Designation Telephone

Chris Obore



Helen Kawesa

Assistant Director


Ranny Ismail

Assistant Director